How To Use Affiliate Profit Pages Five Minute Profit Pages Review Honest Video
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This video is about How to use Affiliate Profit Pages valuable information but also try to cover the following subject:
-five minute profit pages review
-how to promote affiliate links
-how to promote affiliate links without a website
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Hey guys, glenn murray affiliate profit pages. How are you this video is about how to use your affiliate profit pages um that you’re going to get so you just need to click link below, and then you get them and i’m going to just show you exactly how to use them. These pages are awesome. They uh allow you to collect uh emails before sending them sending anyone to a a affiliate offer. So if you like videos about making money online, make sure that you hit the subscribe button and basically, let’s just talk a little bit about why you want to use the affiliate profit pages as opposed to just sending someone to um a direct affiliate link. Well, first off you need to collect their email if you’re not collecting your emails. You’Re just wasting your money, whether you’re getting traffic organically through your website and you’re, sending people to an affiliate offer without collecting your email or you’re paying for traffic, whether you’re buying solo ads, maybe you’re, buying a google ads youtube ads facebook ads any of that stuff And you’re trying to send directly to a a um affiliate, offer first off a lot of those places. You can’t you need a landing page first, so these landing pages are great for that. Secondly, they’re very congruent with the offer so um you’ll you’ll, look at them. You’Ll see like it it’s very congruent, so when people put in their email and then they’re taken to the video sales page or the long form sales page of the offer, it’s it’s almost seamless right and you’ll see exactly how it works. I put also put a thank you page in there. If you want to use it, but you don’t have to use it. It’S up to you, um and – and it’s really easy to use these. So i’m going to show you exactly what you’re going to get and i’m just going to show you kind of the, though how you how you would uh, basically um, basically change stuff around in it. Okay. So let me just make sure this is open here. All right, i have my camera stuff here – okay, so basically uh here it is, this is the so. This is basically the the affiliate profits pages when you import it into your system. Here, it’s gon na it’s gon na be i’ll, be here. This is the main page. This is what i actually use this page on, one of my blogs. Actually, if you go to, this is the page i’m using and i’m actually split testing it between two different pages here. So i’m i’m going between these two you’re going to be able to do that. You can set this up as a domain. You can set it up and use it in click funnels. You can use it wherever you want now. This is this is really great. Now, if you’re gon na just use this for just collecting generic um, uh emails really simple to use, and if you i recommend using aweber um, if you can, if you, if you’re, not interested in using aweber, you can use get response either. One works for you, but basically you go in here. There’S only the only thing you really need to change. People are this right here, go under settings hit, integrations and then you’re you’re going to integrate your your um uh, whatever your email responder is. So if you, if you have get response i’ll, put a link to get get response like there’s like a 30-day free trial and then aweber is free for up to 500
Uh the one thing about aweber when you’re brand new you do have to use the form, so you would use a slightly different integration than this one. I’M not going to change it because this page is live right now, but um. Basically you would. You would remove the integration when you get this. It won’t be integrated because you don’t have any integrations, but you would use the html form and then it would be able to do that. So so, once it’s integrated super simple uh you next next settings you go to general now here on this on, submit, go to now. Here’S where you’re going to decide you can either let them go to the thank you page, which you you’ll not want to make i’ll, show you how to get that address so that they can go to the thank you page or you can put the it’s like. Let’S say you want to promote um. Let’S say you want to promote click, wealth, the great program right now promoting in from clickbank. So let’s say you want to promote click wealth you just search for it here come on uh and then you just grab your link. So if you don’t look, clickbank account go to clickbank sign up for an account. It’S just like getting a facebook account or anything like that. So you want to go in here. You you would hit promote and you could put in your account, nickname, generate a hop link and you’d copy that link and then you’d go back to the funnel and you could send them directly you’d put that in there and it would send them directly to that. Affiliate offer so they would opt in. You would get their emails on on your list and then you could send them to an offer any offer you want to um. This is just the remember. This is just one of the pages guys, so that’s that you’ve got that set. The other thing that you need to set is just go down here: click on the button and right here, you’re going to set action, and you just want to make sure that it’s submit order. So that’s going to be the thing that that tells tells the script to send your um the email over to your autoresponder, and that’s it guys. That’S it. You know you set up your autoresponder and super super simple. So that’s the one one page that that that’s the landing page. That’S for my generic page and, like i said you can use this for anything. You don’t have to split test it. If you don’t want to be doing split testing, you can just drive all the traffic to one of them or the other now um, here’s. This is a great one here. This is one of the ones. So so, there’s four in the f like in the funnel here, but they’re not connected. So oh sorry, let me let me show you the thank you page now. If you do want to use the thank you page, which is kind of nice. Could people people you get the more you can get people to interact the more you’re going to make sales? So if you do want to use the thank you page, you can go in here and it’s basically really simple. Instead of putting that that the click wealth link on on the the page – previously, you would just put it here right. So click on that you’d hit action set action, and then you would go to website and you’d put that right. In there see i’ve got mine going to a rotator, i rotate through about six different offers. So what happens? Is people opt in they get to the thing. Thank you page. I’M telling them i’m reinforcing them, because i really want them to go check their email, so they open the email so that my i kind of get whitelisted a little bit and then the email tells them to whitelist. And then i give them these steps and then click here for the next step and that’s where they would go and they could go on to the affiliate offer and of course, mine leads them to six different affiliate offers. I just sort of rotate them through. So that’s the um, that’s a thank you page. You can use it or you don’t have to use it. You can. If you want, and now a couple of you have said well, where are the rest of the funnels guys you got to go down here. Other final steps and here’s the rest of the pages that i’ve built for you so there’s actually a page right for click wealth. So if you didn’t want to use that generic one to send people to click wealth, you could use this one here, and this is a great great great one to use, is very simple and it’s completely congruent with what the learn the 360 to make an extra 37.50 in a week, you could be passing up your first 579 day, let’s, let’s just um, put a new tab here, let’s put in that clickbank the click wealth. So this says give me five minutes. I will show you how you can generate your first paycheck, but watch this when i go to exit, you could be passing up your first 579 day online go back to our landing page completely congruent right. You could be passing up your first five, so i’m using using simple pages like these, that that these simple pages guys they just work, there’s nothing to distract people. They they just. They really really work great. So you can put these in um. You can go to solo ads, you can do whatever you want. You can do these things so uh and again this one. You just set up same way right, you make sure your integrations are set here. You want to make sure your integrations are set and your general on, where you’re going to send them to the um, whatever affiliate offer you’re going to send them to, and then here you want to make sure that it’s submitting the form and and then guys, there’s A whole bunch of these here so that one’s for click wealth we have one for um, perpetual income. This is another one from clickbank. That’S doing really really well um. So just you just go through go through the the pages and you just find the ones that that work for you uh this one here you can take a look at this one kind of does some some animation in which is pretty cool um. So if we preview, this you’ll see a little bit of boom, it’s here make over 540 45 per sale plus recurring same thing guys, and you just set that up how you want to set up okay. So that’s the that’s the first step and those are your affiliate profit pages uh. The next thing you’re going to want to do. Is you want to go over to um, udemy and you’re, going to grab whichever, whichever promotion you want to uh? Whichever promotion you want to do here, um, if you want to what you pick a page right, you can go, do do whatever you want, um, i’m going to go back and i’m going to grab this one, because i really like this – and i would take this Now you guys can put a tracker on it, but buying a tracker is a little bit more expensive, so i’m just going to show you a basic way to to get going. This is someone i’ve bought and you can see i’ve bought quite a few solos from what i would want to do is i want to go to add texts. If you don’t have a youtube udemy account. Please use the link below uh. It is an affiliate link. Uh, i don’t make a lot of money. It’S like a very, very small amount on each order, but it is a referral link so that helps keep this channel going and keeps me in business. So i can add a new link right here, i’ll say app. It’S affiliate, profit pages and i’ll put the link in there and i’ll save that. So now i’ve got my link there. Now i would of course i like to use a tracker, but you don’t have to use tracker if you’re not doing a lot sending a lot of traffic different traffic from different places. You probably know where your traffic is going to come from um, so i would i would i would i’m going to go back and i’ll put this as a tracker when i, when i do this solo and then uh come on, save okay and then find sellers And then just you guys, just just just go, buy a solo right. You go here and you click on it. This she’s she is 49 cents, uh uh a click right, so it costs about 52 bucks to get um. You know if you want to do 100. Visitors 52 dollars. Maybe you want to do 150 visitors 787, that kind of thing uh 250. Whatever you want to do. She goes up to a thousand visitors, so it cost you 500 bucks to do a thousand visitors and uh yeah guys, and then you just add the cart and then you would pick the link here so where’s that new link – i just put in there right here And i would just um hit add to cart right, like i said, i’m going to go back and i’m going to put this into a tracker, because i’ve got a lot of traffic going to that. That page, i want to know that i want to know what she’s providing in this little thing, so you can easily track it guys um. I use a program called um traffic, optimizer, uh or traffic authority. It it’s it’s it’s another place to buy traffic. That traffic is more expensive, but it converts really well, but you get paid on that traffic and you get paid from all parts of it. So i would definitely put a link in the description below for traffic authority. But if you’re just getting started message me so that we can come up with a game plan for you, you know, don’t just go it alone, make sure if you want to use it for the profit pages, you can use them. As is, you can go, go hog wild and do whatever you want with them, but if you want to sort of learn how to use them, the best way possible message me and we’ll get on a skype call, and then we’ll walk you through where to where To get the traffic from to send to your pages or, if you’re, using a blog, how to set up your blog to um to make sure you’re trying to get you know as many leads in as possible like, for example, guys here’s uh. This is uh. Let’S see, let’s just open this in guys, don’t do this program lmg uh someone paid for me to go into it, so i wrote a view on it, but it didn’t go anywhere. I don’t. I don’t even know if it’s still going anyways. I was just updating that that post to uh never delete post guys just go in and update what they are say. This didn’t work or i’m not promoting this or whatever and then um you’ll definitely you’ll definitely be able to use the traffic any traffic. That’S going to it, i’m getting traffic to this page. That’S why i’m doing that, but anyways here we go, let’s see if i can get it to pop up um uh. So let’s just you know, write a blog and actually no this. This doesn’t have that pop-up on it, never mind anyways, let’s, let’s get back here, hopefully guys uh. Hopefully that helps you. So the first step is okay. Go below you’re gon na get the just have to opt in for that, and then in your first email. You’Re gon na get the the link to to add the all the funnels to your thing. Um you’ll get um. If you need the autoresponder message me i’ll put the links below so you can either try aweber or getresponse. It worked really well um go through this. It’S super super simple to set up so that they’re integrated in there um. You simply set up a list if you want um. I also give you the swipes in that email. So you have the emails that you send out right away for your offer and that’s basically it guys it’s so easy. The thing is, but you have to take action and just make sure that when you set it up, you test it opt in with your own email so that you know that it works that you’re getting the emails and then check check all your links make sure You’Re checking all your links that they all belong to you, none of them belong to me, make sure you go through and check check all your links so that you’re you’re sending them to the offers that you want to. So that’s it. That’S how you use affiliate profit pages again comment if you got value out of this, make sure you hit subscribe and share share, share guys if you’ve got a team that you want to uh make have them make money, then basically grab grab the affiliate profit pages. Funnel right and then set yours to share, and then you share it with your team, so they can use those and you get any commissions that come into it like if you, if they sign up for click funnels under you, you would make commissions for that um. You could tell them to to use this email. You would get commissions for that. It’S a really a great tool to be able to kind of it’s kind of like having your own product um that you can just sort of rebrand for yourself. So it’s a really great thing. All right guys, i got ta, go cheers
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